A sad loss of a true gentleman. Tony made the world around him a better place. Over the years we always enjoyed talking with Tony about the latest news from McGregor and the river. Our deepest sympathy to Sue and all his family.
Glenn & Kathie Lane
September 22, 2023
I worked for Tony although I considered him a colleague and coach. Whether choosing an appropriate adjective or aperitif, Tony was your go-to guy. I’m grateful for the time we spent together.
Bob Woods
September 22, 2023
I only met Tony recently, but even in my first few encounters, I saw him as an extremely warm person, readily willing to engage in friendly and engaging conversations. I know other at Cottage Grove felt the same way. He will be very much missed at CGP. Sue many of us will share-in-a small way- your loss. Hugh Lifson
Hugh Lifson
September 21, 2023
I was saddened to learn of Tony's death. I interacted with him, off and on, for many years while I was executive director of the Indian Creek Nature Center. Tony was always helpful and encouraging. I much enjoyed knowing him. His family is in my thoughts today. Rich Patterson
Rich A Patterson
September 21, 2023
I am deeply saddened that I will not see Tony again in the audience at an Orchestra Iowa performance, at a meeting of the Thursday Noon Optimists, or at one of my frequent visits to Cottage Grove Place. What a wonderful human being. My condolences to all members of his family and to all who knew and valued this wonderful man in their life.
Floyd Sandford
September 21, 2023
I had the good fortune to work with Tony for over a decade at Rockwell- Collins. He was my immediate supervisor and a mentor in many ways, though he allowed me great freedom to manage my department independently. Together, we witnessed and helped to spearhead many of the technological advancements made by the company in the 70s and 80s. Tony and I also lived not far apart in Cedar Rapids, and occasionally saw each other away from the office. He was very dedicated to his work and to his community involvements, and made many good friends over the years with his many gracious contributions. I will always be thankful to Tony as a colleague and a friend. To Sue and the extended family, my sincere condolences on the passing of a very good man.
Toby Hoopes
September 20, 2023
On behalf of the Indian Creek Nature Center staff team, please accept our collective condolences on Tony's recent passing. We admire all he gave back to his community in time, talent and support to make this city a richer, more interesting place. And it was always such a pleasure interacting with him.
We are grateful that among the many nonprofits he supported, he included the Indian Creek Nature Center. Tony and Sue have been valued members for decades. Considering his early years in NE Iowa's beauty, it's not a surprise he would value nature.
Sue and all - may you find peace and comfort in nature's beauty at this challenging time.
Nancy Lackner
September 20, 2023
I got to know Tony and Sue as fellow residents of Cottage Grove Place. He was a friend. I appreciated the sparkle in his eyes as he maintained a sincere interest in life and how we lived it. I join with his family in celebrating his life. He lived it well. Each person leaves a legacy. Tony's was his big smile as he greeted other people sharing his journey. Lif'e's journey never ends. We just go back to the place from whence we came. As we all return there, I just say so long for now until we meet again. You lived well.
Willliam C. Jacobson
Fellow Cottage Grove Resident
william Jacobson
September 20, 2023