Kimberly Meyer

Born in Cedar Rapids, IA
Born on May 17, 1966
Departed on Aug 12, 2012

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To Kim's family and friends, I am so sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you all at this very difficult time. Julie Toman

Damon & Family,\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nI am so sad to hear about Kim's passing. I remember from High School simply one of the best smiles all of time.\\\\r\\\\nMy thoughts and prayers are with you.

I worked with Kim and she always made me laugh.Never a dull moment! She will be missed.
Sorry for your loss-

Damon & family
Sorry to hear of your loss. I met Kim many years ago through Julie Freese, what a great smile. May you take comfort knowing that she isn't suffering any longer and is at peace.

I also used to work with Kim at MCI, back in the day. We were all so young and full of life. Kim was fun, energetic and kind hearted. I know she will be missed by so many. I also felt strongly that her family was the most imporant part of her life. She cherished you as I'm sure you cherished her. May you find peace knowing she is not suffering.

To Damon and Family . . . may God bless during these most difficult times; Kim was a fabulous woman and this is a huge loss to everyone who knew her. My thoughts and prayers will be with your entire family!

Randy Krejci in Cedar Rapids

I have such great memories of Kim. We worked together at MCI and I was one of her "lunch buddies". She made work fun and had such a contagious smile! I feel like I know you all more than I do because we always shared stories of our families. I am so sorry for your loss.

Damon and Family,

I simply would like to express my condolences in the loss of a loved one. I only knew Kim through Gabby and Travis they are wonderful children and through them she leaves a monumental legacy. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

James Franta
Hirding Middle School

So sorry for your loss.
I worked with Kim for a number of years at MCI and she was always a positive ray of sunshine.
Prayers for you and the kids.

Damon, I am so sorry. I will always remember Kim's beautiful smile and her happy personality. I enjoyed so much working with her. Her 3rd shift family will sure miss her.

Dear Damon and Family,
We send our deepest sympathies to you all. May God Bless you and comfort you now and forever.

Joe, Monica, Chase and Riley Fergus

Damon and family -

We are so sorry for your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Damon and Family,
Our thoughts and prayers go out to you. I can't even begin to imagine the depths of your sorrow. I'm sure no words can possibly be said to ease your grief but know that our family, as well as countless others, are thinking of all of you.

I sorry for your lost Damon
If there anything i can do please let me know Tony Camenisch

Very sorry for your loss , our thoughts are with your family.


Know that you are in our thoughts and prayers through this most difficult time.

Deep Peace
Deep peace,
of the running wave to you,
Deep peace,
of the quiet earth to you,
Deep peace,
of the flowing air to you,
Deep peace,
of the shining star to you.

Gaelic blessing

God's peace to you...
Mark and Alison, Julie and Rob, Connie and Kevin, Steve and Kathy,

Damon and family:

My prayers and sympathy go out to all of you. I worked with Kim at MCI and she will be remembered for her bright smile and personality. She was a great person and will be missed.

Our deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family.
Wishing you comfort.
Jean & Jim Hermann
Cedar Rapids, Iowa

Our sweet little Gabbie, The Meiers' are so sorry to hear of your mother's passing. Rest assure that she will always be your special angel. Your mom is now at peace with no pain or suffering. I am sure she is giving all in heaven that greeted her big hugs and her smile is continuing there. Keep her memories alive in your heart forever. I am sure she is so sad to have to leave you but remember we all our gifts from God and he wants us all back. She was a wonderful mom, friend, sister, daughter, wife. She would want you to be the same. We all love you dearly, INSERT INTO guestbook VALUES (especially Kendal).

Im so sorry for you loss. I worked with Kim both times she was at Verizon Conferencing, She was so beautiful inside and out. A sweet funny person. She could always make me laugh. God bless you all. Your in my prayers. xoxo

Damon and family,

I'm so sorry for your loss. I worked with Kim at MCI and will always remember her smile and laugh.

Susan Wood Lamont

So very sorry to hear of Kim's passing. What a sweetheart, I am glad I got the chance to know her! She will be greatly missed by her fellow 3rd shifters.


So sorry to hear about your loss. I worked with Kim at MCI and have always held such positive and fun memories of her and her warm personality. We had great times together. Our thoughts are with you and your family.

Damon and family,

We are so sorry for your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers.


I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Jane Kenny

Thought and prayers are being sent for you and your family. Gods speed for all that were touched by you and Kimberly.

Damon and family,

I am so sorry to hear of Kim's passing! I had the pleasure of working with her at MCI/Verizon and she was always great to be around! I know she will be an angel looking down and taking care of her entire family! Thoughts and prayers go out to all of you!


I am so sorry for your loss. I knew Kim alot more in the earlier days and had fond memories. Thinking of you Damon.

Bret & Michele Boyer

Damon & Family,

I am sorry for your loss. I worked with Kim at MCI. I will forever remember her beautiful smile and contagious laugh. As I remember, you and the kids, were the center of her world and she took great pride in being a Mother and a Wife. I pray that God's love surrounds you and provides all of you peace & the strength to get through the days to come. God Bless-


Damon and Family,\\\\r\\\\nI'm so sorry for your lose. Kim will always be remembered in our hearts.

Little did we know when we last saw you what you and your family were facing. We are so very sorry for your loss and our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family!

Barry and Terry Whitson

Damon and family, we are very sorry for your loss. I wish we were in town for you. We will be back Thursday to help you celebrate Kim's life!

So sorry to hear about your loss. Keep you in my prayers. Take Care.

Damon and family - I am so very sorry for your loss. Kim left an impression on everyone she met with her infectious smile. She will be missed by so many!


Very sorry for you loss. I never had the priviledge of knowing Kim but she sounds like she was a wonderful person. Take care of yourself.


Noel and Carla Michael

Damon, I am very sorry to hear of your loss. Kim had the greatest smile. You will be in my prayers.

Damon and family-

I am so sorry to hear of Kim's passing. Her and I worked together at MCI, she trained me in conferencing....oh the fun that we had :)

My thoughts and prayers are with you during this difficult time. She was a great gal and will be dearly missed!

Jeff/Molly and family

I am so sorry for your loss. Kim was such a delighful young woman. When i worked at MCI we used to talk alot about her children and I always enjoyed her delightful personality. I hope you find comfort that she is in God's loving arms. God Bless you all.

I am very sorry to hear of this...Kim had a wonderful smile!

I was saddened to hear about Kim. I have known Kim for years and even tho we lived far apart, there were days that she would come to mind. My thoughts and prayers are with you now during this tough time. Bless you!

To Kim's family and friends,

My heart aches for you loss. She had a heart of gold. Much Love to you and yours, Jen INSERT INTO guestbook VALUES (Warner)

Damon and Family:

Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Sue and Harry Tate

Damon and Family,
I am so sorry to here of your loss. I have fond memories of Kim, durng our early childhood years, growing up in the same neighborhood. She had a smile that was contagious! May God bless you and keep you and your Family in His care now and forever. RIP Kim....

Damon & family,

Kimmie was a one in a million. I worked with her back in the MCI days and she was Full of couldn't help but love being around her.
I am so sorry for your heartfelt sympathies to you and the family.

God bless
Amy INSERT INTO guestbook VALUES (Cruise)Biittner

Damon and family,

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult time.

Damon and Family,\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nOur hearts ache for you all. We are so very sorry. I wish that I could've met her! Her smile says it all!! \\\\r\\\\nOur thoughts and prayers continue to be with you.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nFrank and Cindy\\\\r\\\\n

Damon and Family-
I am so sorry for your loss. I have known Kim for a long time and had the pleasure of working with her at MCI. She always had the best smile and was so fun to be around.

Damon and Family,

Our hearts go out to everyone. She gave it her all and enjoyed every minute of it. I'm so proud of her strengh and attitude through out
I am proud to say I knew her as a friend and person. The pain is gone, rest my friend.

Damon and Family.
Our hearts are heavy today with the news of Kim's passing. What strength and courage you all have witnessed in Kim. She will be greatly missed. Again, bless you all during this time and find comfort in the fact that you have many friends and family that are here for you.


Matt and Heather Smith and Family

Damon and Family,\\\\r\\\\nOur prayers and sympathy go out to you all. Kim will be remembered for her bright and sunny smile whenever you were around her. She was always ready for some fun. The lasting memory, however, will be her strength.

Damon and family,
We want you to know that you are all in our thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. We've had some fun times with Kim and the memories will forever live on!! Lots of love and hugs for all of you and if you need anything at all please let us know!!

Kimmie was a good friend of mine and I am so sorry to hear about her loss with cancer. Prayers with you and all the family. I have many memories of Kimmie and will never forget. I love her very much and will miss her.

I am so sorry for your loss. What a wonderful and loving woman. May in time you find peace and solitude. God speed Kim.


Damon & family,
I am so sorry to read of Kim's passing! I remember working with her years ago - she was such a good gal!

Thinking of you during this very difficult time.

Paula & Goon

Damon and family,
I am truly sorry for your loss, Kim was a great person.

Hang in there my friend. So very sorry for your loss

Damon, Zac, and Family:
I am so sorry for your loss. I have fond memories of growing up with Kim and the time we shared. You are in my thoughts in prayers.

I'm so very sorry to hear about Kim. You and your family are in my prayers. I worked with her at MCI, and was happy to see her here at the credit union.
In my thoughts,
Kathy Chapman

Damon, I am very sorry to hear about your loss. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

Damon & family,
My heart weeps for your pain and deep sadness at this journey life has brought to all of you. It seems so unfair to me that Kim was taken from us all at such a young age. I met Kim through mutual girlfriends and Kim truly did light up a room with her smile and her laugh. My memory of Kim will last always. I was one of the girls who traveled with Kim to Des Moines to see the Blacked Eyed Peas in concert. It was a trip filled with much fun and lots of laughter. How lucky I am to have known Kim! Please know you & your family are in my prayers and my thoughts.

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal"...

Hold tight to each other in the days ahead.
Kim was a beautiful and incredible woman.
Jean Munson