Jeffrey Randall

Born in Cedar Rapids, IA
Born on Mar 28, 1969
Departed on Feb 19, 2024

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I was just thinking about Jeff the other day. I picked up the Coe Courier and saw his name mentioned and then found this site. I'm so sorry for your loss, Kristie. Jeff and I were in the same circle of friends in the late 80s, early 90s. We were all into punk, role-playing games, and general shenanigans. Jeff worked for my father-in-law for a bit at KOCR-TV, and he ended up dating a few friends of mine. I know that Jeff was always way cooler than me. That dude that some serious s*it-kicking boots. I was thinking about him the other day because the Zio Johno's across from Coe closed. We used to spend entire Saturdays playing wargames and such on the lobby floor of my dorm at Coe, and we'd end up getting gondola sandwiches from Zios. I hope you know that his memory is a blessing for me. -- Thomas

Kristie, I'm sorry you lost Jeff so unexpectedly. You both were always so kind and a joy to have in my life . I think of the many times we talked over the fence and shared our love of dogs. It's been 10 years since Virginia , his mom died. I hope they are together now. I send you love and prayers that you will have an easier time going thru your grief and starting over without him.

My favorite memory of Jeff is when we worked at GE. Jeff, Tanya and I often took breaks together. I drove my son's Mini Cooper to work one day, so he could take my car to his work for my standard oil change (Toyota). On break that day Jeff said he always wanted to drive one but didn't think he'd fit. So after assuring him he'd be surprised and to go ahead and get in the driver's seat, he got in and fit, barely 😆 The look of pure surprise and joy was priceless. I wonder if he ever got to drive one. ☺️ My prayers and deepest condolences to Kris and Jeff's family, and others who loved and cared about him. He was special people, a good guy to know. He will be missed, but a lot of us have smiles that come freely when we think about times with him. Peace (and hugs) to you.

To Kristi Randall - I am terribly sorry for your loss. Tim Hotz in Cedar Rapids,Iowa. Please take care!

I was shocked to learn of the passing of Jeff…we grew up across the street from each other on Keith Dr and were the best of friends…I had seen him many years ago and we told each other we would keep in touch…life apparently got in the way of this for us and I have often wondered where he was and how he was doing…I am so sad to know we won’t get the “catch up” time ever again. I will hold the fond memories of our childhood in my heart forever. My deepest sympathies to you, Kristi and your family. Deb (Bell) Spies

So sorry to hear of your loss, Kristi. Thinking of you.

I’ve known Jeff for about 5 years from when he started at Public Works. He was such a sweet soul. I have lots of good memories of him laughing and he always had such a sharp wit. He was an amazing artist and a good friend. He is greatly missed.