Sandra Henderson

Born in Cedar Rapids, IA
Born on Jan 19, 1957
Departed on May 16, 2023

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I remember Sandra from school many years ago and always have thought of her as a very nice/wonderful person. I am saddened to hear of her passing. My condolences to her Family and will keep her in my prayers. God Bless

50 years is a long time to know someone. Sandy and I shared so many wonderful experiences. Pom Pom at Regis, working together at Mimm’s Restaurant, moving to Vail and learning to ski! She introduced me to Gary Dvorak when he was building the first Cafe de Klos. Got myself a husband and career because of her. We had our daughters very close together. I was with her through her cancer and Coe college days. She loved her art. Sandy had an amazing memory for people and their relationships. She knew who was related to who and I don’t think she ever met anyone that she didn’t like or remember. I will miss her very much. Bless you Sandy. I am praying for your eternal peace and for your family.

Aweeee rest in peace kind Sandy. God bless you and Joe and your family. Heaven just received a wonderful soul, spirit and angel. My favorite minister Dr. Tom Costa taught me to never put a question mark where God puts a period.. I am honored to be a friend to you and Joe..peace be with you all today and forever more..

It brings me a great deal of sadness to hear of the passing of my dear friend, Sandy. She was always a ray of sunshine, and her radiant smile filled every room she entered. I will greatly miss Sandy's presence, and I extend my deepest condolences to all of her loved ones and especially to her dear friend, Joe, who was a great and constant source of strength for her. May her memory remain eternal in your hearts. God bless.

I have been Sandy and Joe's neighbor for the last seven years. Sandy was always so friendly. She would make small talk with me and ask me how I have been. She was such a sweet neighbor and I will miss not getting to know her better. Sincerest condolences to all.

Dear Dave, Sonya, and all, It is never easy losing a loved one especially a sister. Sandy always brought the love and joy into the room. May she rest in peace and may your memories still your hearts. Peace and Love Kari

To the entire Henderson family, so sorry to hear of Sandy's passing. Growing up with large families everywhere, you get to know the older siblings . Sandy was always sweet and kind , and I will always have fond memories hanging out at their house. RIP Sandy

To the entire family of Sandy, My name is sarah lala. I actually spent around nine hours with her at jury duty the other week. It was my first time doing jury duty. There were so many people in the room that I stepped outside, it was packed and warm. I sat on a bench outside the room. A gentleman sat on the bench and we started talking. Sandy walked by and they recognized each other immediately from back in the day. They were talking about Wash. I interrupted and asked if they knew any of the Dale kids during their time there. My mom was a Dale,(now a Lala)and has nine siblings so Sandy and Harold each knew most of my aunts and uncles. It made our jury service so much more fun to be able to talk about people we had in common! We had so much time sitting around and just waiting. She was so lovely and so nice. She had so many good memories of my grandparent’s house it almost brought me to tears. Jury duty obviously is not fun but Sandy made it bearable X200 and I’m so sorry that she’s now passed. The other crazy coincidence is her family and possibly herself I’m not sure, it’s buried in the same cemetery as my family and my father. In Walker, Iowa. Whenever I go say hi to my dad or my grandparents I will definitely say hi to Sandy.!!! I am so sorry for your loss truly. Too young

Henderson family, I was so sad to read about Sandy’s passing. Went to school 1st thru high school with Sandy. She always had a great smile. Last time I talked to Sandy at the old KC’s she spoke of her grandchildren and the love she had for them. Sandy then tells we what I ate for lunch in school…ok it was the same thing every day….but she remembered what it was!! You all are in my prayers during this difficult time.

It is with profound sadness I read in the paper today of Sandy’s passing . We sure did have some good times working at the longbranch with her mom. And later after we grew up . RIP My longtime friend.

My condolences to the Henderson family. I will light a candle at church for Sandy. Rest in Peace.

I'm sorry to hear of your loss. My Prayers and thoughts go out to the Family. God Bless You All.

Peace, love and prayers to all of Sandy’s family and friends. I remember all the good times and fun we had at Immaculate Conception and Regis. Sandy and I were Campfire leaders for our little sisters Diane and Shelley. We were Pom Pom girls together. Lots of fond memories. May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace. God bless you all… Janie Fagan Mills

"Those we have held in our arms for a little while, we hold in our hearts forever." Sandy was a treasured friend of my mother, Kay Shive Henry, and one of those living angels that appear in one's life. We are so saddened by this great loss, and send our deepest sympathy to her family and to Joe.

To the family and friends of your beloved Sandy, my deepest sympathies for your loss. I hope your loving memories of her keep you close company through this incredibly difficult time. The love and prayers of my family are with you all. Benjamin Happel Sr.

I am deeply saddened with the loss of my loving friend and companion Sandy, a remarkable and cherished soul who brought so much love and joy into the lives of those around her and especially the lives of her grand kids. Sandy's profound love for her granddaughters, Isla and LeyLenni, was evident in every moment they spent together. Her passion for painting and drawing only added to the special bond they shared, as they explored their creativity side by side. She would always talk about how delighted and happy it made her during the time they spent together because it was filled with so much warmth, laughter, and endless inspiration. Sandy's grandsons, Carlos and Emiliano, held a very special place in her heart. She delighted in being a part of their lives, attending their soccer and baseball games, cheering them on with unmatched enthusiasm. School dances and activities were treasured moments for Sandy, as she witnessed the blossoming of her handsome grandsons into remarkable young men. Her presence and unwavering support made those experiences all the more meaningful. She just adored those guys and loved showing their pictures with everyone and talking about her handsome men and their accomplishments. She would always tell me that she loved those grandchildren more than anything and just wished she was provided with more time to spend with them. Describing Sandy as the sweetest, kindest, and most gentle soul does not do justice to the essence of her being. She radiated a free spirit and love that touched everyone fortunate enough to know her. Sandy's nourishment came from the love she shared and received in return. She was a beautiful embodiment of pure, selfless love. The void left by Sandy's absence is immense for me, and her loss will be deeply felt by all whose lives she graced. Her gentle nature and loving spirit were truly a gift from God to those around her. As we mourn the loss of this lovely little angel, let us find solace in the countless precious memories she has left behind. Sandy's legacy will forever be engraved in our hearts. Sandy’s loving friend …. Joe Rodulavic