My deepest condolences to Dan’s family.
I first met Dan during junior high when we bonded over our love of Beatles music and our mutual guitar playing. Dan will be missed.
Roy Brickley
September 23, 2024
Dear John, your obituary is a beautiful tribute to your brother. He sounds like an amazing person who embraced life with passion and zest; who loved people and welcomed them into his world; whose heart was at home in the mountains and by the sea; and who loved his family ever-so-much. I am thinking about you as you deal with the sorrow and loss. Warm regards, Bonnie Williams
Bonnie Kay Williams
September 30, 2024
Grew up across the park from Dan so many have but huge smiles from those days jumping on the tramp, football in Anderson, crawling though the water lanes behind the house wow to Beth Jon Lisa my deepest condolences. Rest in Peace old friend.
Jim williams
September 30, 2024
Dano Lingo,
My old buddy from Knollwood Drive (501 to 503),
Beth and family, Lisa, and CJ . . . my sincere hugs and kisses. I love you guys.
Ah . . . the memories! That's get started here . . .
Grant Wood Elementary, McKinley JHS, and CR WASH!
Acorn Park (actually Anderson but we "changed it"), legendary kick-the-can games, wiffleball golf, raking and burning leaves in the street, our little band "Iron Cross" (hahahaha), Audrey and Dave, your trampoline (I bet the bricks are still on the ground behind the garage from Audrey's "parking" job!), hoops in your driveway (yup, I broke windows in the garage - sorry), slingshots at the hornet's nest in our 3rd story eve, Tuffy and Taffy, tree forts, ground forts, and the gutter around our house, and army games, a WWF box out with Al Seidler in our backyard. And the Mississippi River trips . . .
AND! skiing at Keystone (Condo's at Wild Irishman and Flying Dutchman), après ski with the Swing Crew at the Last Lift (complete with "knockers"!!) Mandatory!! Mr. L getting pulled over by CHP returning from the Briar Rose in Breck. Officer "escorted" us home!
You DU, me CU . . . Colorado boys.
Later on . . . it always fun to meet you (Lisa and SD friends) for a round of golf (cigars.. laughs..) at Keystone Ranch. Of course the 19th hole with a Dave and Fred G&T. I'll always remember you THERE my friend. The Linge Patio!
You were ONE-of-a-KIND. Glad I got to take the ride with you and your family. PRICELESS!!
I'm sad . . . but smiling when I write this. Too much fun.
Sig Bjornson
October 16, 2024
John and Lisa, so sorry to hear of the loss of Dan. Sending prayers and hugs
Joanna Murillo
October 17, 2024