Benjamin Blackstock

Born in Granite Falls, NC
Born on May 5, 1938
Departed on Jun 6, 2024

Katie and Beth I am sorry for your loss. Ben was passionate about the law. He was sharp and decisive. I will always be grateful for his taking me on as an associate with two young children. Those 11 years at Blackstock Law Offices with Ben helped further my career in ways I never expected. I ran into Ben last just before Covid shut down. We last laughed and hugged. I will always remember the grace. Renee

Katie & Family, Please accept my condolences on the loss of Ben. I still recall how kind Ben was to me when I was a young attorney and had my first matter with him. Ben was always very kind to me anytime I ran into him, and I recall having a lovely time with the both of you at a University of Iowa event in Cedar Rapids. I shall miss him! God Bless, Carol J. Kirkley

Sending warm wishes of peace and comfort to you in this difficult time. Ben was a wonderful man. I feel honored to have met him and shared time with the family. Receive all my love.

Dear Beth and Katie, receive my heartfelt condolences and a warm hug with my love. I do remember Ben, such a good person.

Dear Katie, we send hugs and wishes for peace. With our sweet memories of Questers, Literary Club, your beautiful home and both of your warm hearts we hope you and Beth are overflowing with loving memories.... Brenda

Mr. Blackstock was a stalwart for the Cedar Rapids community for many years ... a highly respected man with true honesty and integrity. He has been missed since he moved from Cedar Rapids and will be missed in passing as well. Godspeed Ben!

Katie…I was saddened to read of your loss of such a loved one. I send my sincere condolences , prayers, and love to your family. My husband Bill was a colleague…….

Katie, So very sorry to read of Ben's passing, and our sincere condolences to you and Beth. I can recall our meeting in AZ and how we hoped to get together after that. Time gets away. Our thoughts are with you. Belva and Duffy

Ben was my friend. We knew each other in Masonry and Rotary. He was connected to the community, and served his clients well. He made a difference with his presence and his awareness of what it takes to make things better. I join in celebrating his life. He left this world better than he found it. We shared the same historical time line, and were educated by the same generations. He learned well and made a difference in the lives of many. Where he has gone, we all will follow. It is the nature of life. God's blessings on all who remember and appreciate Ben. William C. Jacobson Retired Educator Cottage Grove Place Cedar Rapids, Iowa

I wish to extend my sympathy to Katie and Beth. I remember many good conversations with Ben. Katie and I had a great time with history. Yours, John A. Kuba Podivin, Czech Republic

Katie and Beth, Bette and I were sorry to see that Ben passed, but our faith tells us he is now resting in peace until we all meet again for eternity. I enjoyed working with Ben before we both went out on our own paths alone and with other partners or associates. I will never forget how we all worked on Schuller v. HyVee back in 1987 and finally obtained a recovery for our client. May you both enjoy Ben’s memory and good health and happiness. Peace be with you.

Dear Katie and Beth, we are sorry to hear about Ben's passing. May you soon find solace and strength. We've been out of touch so long but our love for you and the many happy memories persist. We send loving thoughts and tight hugs. Marta and Rafael

I'm so sorry to learn of Ben's recent passing away. I first met Ben and Katie shortly after graduating from Coe College when I began 'house hunting.' From them, I purchased my first house, a photo of which makes up the cover of my most recent book about Cedar Rapids area history. Katie and I enjoyed actively serving on the Board of Directors for the Linn County Historical Museum Association, which eventually became The History Center. My father was also a longtime member of Mt. Hermon Lodge, and our paths with Ben would occasionally cross through Masonic activities. So, I send my sincere sympathy to the Blackstock family at this sad time of loss.

My sympathies and condolences to Katie and the family and friends of Ben. I 1st met Ben when I became a member of the Marion Rotary Club and was immediately drawn in by his friendly welcoming nature. And it continued from there. Thanks Ben. RIP Buddy!

Katie, Ben will always have a special place in my heart for getting my through one of the toughest and emotional times in my life. He handled my concerns with patience, kindness and quite frankly, very much like my "dad" would have. I am forever grateful for that. So sorry for your loss. Jamie

Prayers for your family. Enjoyed Ben's company in the Color Guard. A great Hawkeye.