Elmer Wart

Born in Waubeek, IA
Born on Aug 16, 1937
Departed on Feb 23, 2024

More people need to be like Elmer..so kind and full of life. I will never forget him whistleling for a a dog behind a pop machine at the Mt Vernon road true value! Rest in peace.

He was a staple on Mt Vernon Rd. for sure. RIP

Elmer. Rubberneck! Always a nice guy.

He was such a sweet man. We are sorry to hear of his passing.

I lived on 19th st and mt Vernon rd as a kid and I remember Elmer from early childhood he could whistle very well , lots of memories of Elmer rip

I never personally knew him but because I'm from around Cedar Rapids and on the southeast side I definitely remember him! Very nice man. Many people in this area are sure to remember him. To the family I'm so very sorry for your loss My thoughts and prayers are with you. We need more people like him in the world.

I remember Elmer and his can cart. I always saw him at Hy-Vee. He didn’t remember my name but always gave me a joke and a laugh. I think he was the happiest person and hope he rests peacefully. •whistle whistle•

To a. Great. Guy. Knowing. For. Years

RIP, Rubberneck.

Elmer always saved me from tripping on my untied shoelaces. Thanks Elmer!

A wonderful person that always made us smile! You did “get us” once in awhile ;) You’re positive energy will be forever missed!

He was a really nice man had a smile for everyone and waved at every car! He just really exuded Joy

I get my hair cut at Cost Cutters on Mt. Vernon Rd. That's how I met Elmer. He was the happiest, sweetest man I have ever met. Elmer loved telling jokes and laughing with you. When I saw his photo, I couldn't help but smile. The world needs more people like Elmer! RIP Elmer!

Elmer was definitely a staple on the SE side. Loved his humor, he loved life!

Elmer never met a stranger. If he didn’t know your name, you were cutie or whatever else came to mind. Used to visit the Chicken Shop on 34th just about everyday. Peace to all that knew & loved him.

Sorry to hear this all I have to say is Beep Beep my frend you will be missed by many oh and by the way your shoe is untied

I grew up on the SE side going to all saints. I remember seeing Elmer and his smile around growing up. Such a gentle and kind soul. He will be greatly missed and he truly was the Mayor of Mt. Vernon road. God bless!

I worked at the original Hy-Vee store on Mt Vernon Rd. Elmer would always come into the store and get me with his Rubber neck joke he always had a smile on his face and would alway wave as you would honk driving by him on Mt Vernon Rd. I believe certain people were put on this earth to make everybody's day better and he was one of them. We will miss you " Rubber Neck" !!! ❤️ 👍

From all the phone people who knew Elmer from break time at Hy Vee on Mount Vernon rd. He did have his “Rubber Neck” jokes but always a smile. Need more like him. RIP my friend. Gordon

I’m sorry for your loss I was a new girl at the donutland on my Vernon road he said hey girl hey girl look over there he laughed and laughed at me and said to our regulars that new girl I got her she’s a rubberneck he laughed for I swear it was 15 minutes .I would save my pop cans in my car for him. His face would light up like I gave him a million dollars. Such a good hearted happy guy he will be missed. I was actually just thinking about him the other day. So sorry for your loss god bless you rubberneck.😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏

I’m sorry for your loss I was a new girl at the donutland on my Vernon road he said hey girl hey girl look over there he laughed and laughed at me and said to our regulars that new girl I got her she’s a rubberneck he laughed for I swear it was 15 minutes .I would save my pop cans in my car for him. His face would light up like I gave him a million dollars. Such a good hearted happy guy he will be missed. I was actually just thinking about him the other day. So sorry for your loss god bless you rubberneck.😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏

RIP sweet man. I have many happy memories of you. I used to put out cans and mark them, "Elmer".

I can't guarantee who will be in heaven (including myself) but I would bet there is a place waiting for you. RIP.

1975 - After Returning Home from the Service, Bought a House On Memorial Dr. 500 Feet from Hy-Vee - For the Next 20 Yrs this would be on Elmers "Route" - Each week or So, He would Stop & Pick Up the Aluminum Cans We would Gather from Our Acclivities. I would Always Stand in Amazement in how many Cans He could LOAD Onto His Bicycle. He would ALWAYS have a Smile to Greet Me, through the 20 Yrs We were friends. Yes - I was a Repeat Victim of His Shoe Lace Joke - But His Smile was RADIANT - So I Enjoyed the Prank, for That Alone - Who Ever Raised Him - God Bless, You did a Fine Job - Gonna Miss Your SMILE Elmer Dan & Judy

As a kid I lived behind Bever Park and a saw Elmer everyday in the summer picking up pop cans on his bike. He was such a kind soul and really knew how to enjoy life. Lots of lessons there I didn’t understand as a kid that I understand now that I know Jesus. Rest in peace Elmer

We were so very sorry to hear of Elmer's passing. Our world definitely needs more "Elmer's" in it. He would always stop by Mike's job sites, and the bricklayers and laborers could hear him whistling from a block away. One day, he even had a stuffed bird tied to his bicycle handlebars. He was quite the character, and he will certainly be missed by many. May God Bless Elmer's soul, and may he rest in peace forever.

Jim White, of Jim's Barber Shop, was a great friend of Elmer's. I remember one time Jim had a big empty pickle jar with "B.F.E." written on the card taped to the side. He had told Elmer it stood for "Bales for Elephants," a charity that provided hay to animals in need. Of course it actually meant, "Bike for Elmer." Once Jim achieved his goal, Elmer beamed with excitement when he saw his new red bicycle!! One time Elmer caught my grandmother at the old Hy-Vee store and got into a conversation with her. "I went to the doctor the other day," he told her. "Wasn't good." "Oh, really? What did they say?" she asked. "My blood pressure was pretty high. It was so high, they had to take some out!" he joked! Always with a good spirit, forever the good natured guy, Elmer will be missed.

We have loved on Mt Vernon Rd over 22 years. Elmer watched my kiddos grow up. One time he took saw my daughter and I having dinner at VBG, he dropped to visit and left. He reappeared about 15 minutes later with a Barbie from Dollar General. He used some of his can funds and gave it to my daughter. We always got a kick out of him. I wanted to make visitation, but was down with stomach flu. Condolences to the family and close friends of “Rubber Necker”. Hey Elmer, “you dropped your pocket.”

Always saved my cans for him when I worked at the dry cleaners years and years ago! If he didn't stop I'd give him a whistle (he was always whistling) out the window. RIH, sweet Elmer 😥🙏🏼