Nadine Achenbach

Born in Iowa City, IA
Born on May 7, 1933
Departed on Aug 30, 2024

My Condolences...I apologize but I have to work and cannot attend the funeral. I met Miss Nadine when she moved into my Apt Complex on West 7th St Monticello...and through the many years of getting to know her through her beloved oldies country music and sense of humor, I came to love her like a grandmother and dear friend. She would say to me at times, "Oh I'm slower than molasses in January" (the first time I'd ever heard that term I told her, and never forgot it) I'll never forget my Nadine, she and I had many late night talks in her little apartment next door to mine. I had my own personal key, and it broke my heart when it was time to return it because of her moving out into the nursing home. She was a feisty ole gal though, and I loved that about her the most. Goodbye my dear friend, you are at peace now with our Lord, and one day you and I will be singing again in Heaven. I thank God you were put in my life. Love Christy

We would like you to know we are thinking of you and that you have our deepest sympathy. We all enjoyed Nadine, and knew exactly when she wanted her appointments, hair day at Serendipity. She was a pleasure to know. Everybody at Wayne Hall Chrysler

We are all deeply saddened to hear of the passing of "grandma" Nadine. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.