I was saddened to hear of Bob’s passing away. May you find moments of peace as you share memories during this difficult time.
Narda Simonsen Murphy
January 12, 2022
God speed my friend. The Wednesday bunch will miss you.
Bob Berry
January 12, 2022
So sorry for your loss. May God give you peace and comfort as He has now given to Bob.
Pegg Clinton
January 12, 2022
RIP Bob. Grace and peace for Katherine and family.
Judy Schlueter
January 12, 2022
So sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Sue Pfau
January 12, 2022
It was so good to see Bob at the class reunion last year. We will miss seeing him at the Legion when we get back to Marion. He was awarded the "Quilt Of Valor" which he very well deserved. RIP Bob. You will be missed
Gary and Sharon Clemenson
January 12, 2022
I knew Bob for a long time he was a great guy. He will be missed. God Bless.
Don + Connie Freytag
January 12, 2022
Bob has been a good friend since our early school days. I'll miss seeing him in person from time to time but I'll always carry the memories. He was always so likable! May his dear family be greatly and supernaturally blessed with wonderful memories.
Al Lyon
January 12, 2022
It was so sad to see that Bob passed. I have had the benefit of knowing Bob for many years, and in spite of all his very difficult health issues Bob always had a positive pragmatic constitution. I will always remember Bob and his family for the quality people they are. God Bless Bob and his family , Sincerely, steve wahle
steven wahle
January 13, 2022
Football friends from high school,friend and quality person! Rest in peace buddy.
Leon lacock
January 13, 2022
Scott, I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your dad...You all were great neighbors and great friends. My prayers are with you and your family.
Terrie Counter
January 14, 2022