I can't tell you how blessed I feel to have known Sharon. I'm sure Diana and I drove her a little nuts when we were growing up. She was always funny and patient with us.... She would always say, "If you can't be good, be careful." as we were walking out the door.
We will miss you Sharon. Thank you for being like a second mom. God Speed and I will see you when I get there.
Joan Edwards Weckler
January 10, 2018
My heart hurts for all the family and my prayers are with you. Diana and I have been friends since 7th grade and Sharon was a pretty cool Mom growing up, lots of sleepovers, gatherings on the golf course and of course the famous "TP-ing" party at the Rosenbergers'.......lot's good times. She would always ask Diana and I "where are you two going" we would laugh and say "we are going to catch the action!" ......so with that said, Mom Rosenberger, I know you are now someplace wonderful "catching the action" Love You All.....Sue
Susan Jelinek-Thomas
January 11, 2018
My sincere condolences to the family and friends, so sorry for your loss. Please find comfort in knowing that Jehovah God will soon resurrect our dear loved ones (John 5:28-29). Oh how we long for the day when pain, suffering and death will be no more, these former things will have passed away (Revelation 21:3-5).
Bill F
January 11, 2018
All our love to you Tom, Diana and Chris and all of your family. We were lucky to have known her, a true role model. Thinking of all of you during this difficult time.
Veronica and Josh Weeks
January 11, 2018
Judy and family....I'm so sorry for your loss. Sharon was always so nice to me and always so positive. Will always think of Sharon when golfing at Ellis.
Karen Friederich
January 11, 2018
Diana and family, I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. You all are in my thoughts and prayers.
Toby Michael
January 12, 2018
Chris and family - Hugs to you as you suffer the loss of Sharon. Her smile, her upbeat, positive view of life impacted all around her. She gave freely of her time and energy to those of us blessed to have had her volunteer at Trinity Lane Preschool. You are in my thoughts and prayers!
Sue Wolfe
January 12, 2018
I am so sorry for your loss. Sharon was a great friend to my Mom (Bobi Nye Hartkemeyer). Our family have found memories of her and the entire family. Hugs to all of you.
Deanna Van Horbeck
January 16, 2018
I have thanked Aunt Sharon for what she did for me, and think of it often. I would like to share it with you. While I was sitting with my mom during the days before she passed, something troubling started. It was just a small thing, but at that time, it came to represent my worst fears. I had feelings of regret and shame and felt helpless to manage this persistent reminder. Running down her chin, it would have soiled her gown and sheets and puddled on the floor. I didn't know what that shit was, but it kept coming. All I could do was wipe it away - such a pitiful gesture. After closing my eyes for a bit, I would abruptly wake with worry - thinking that I had not kept up and failed to give mom the care she deserved. When Aunt Sharon came in to give me a rest, I explained to her about the procedure - the only thing I knew to do for mom. When I returned, the brownish gray, foamy spittle was gone. Later I learned that my aunt had gone to the nurses' station and, I like to think, gave them a little hell for not being more sensitive to such a sad predicament. Hours of consternation relieved. It struck me later, and I continue to believe, that Aunt Sharon did the kindest thing that anyone has ever done for me. She recognized my frazzled state and took action. With mom's dignity restored, I could now sit with her in peace.
I am forever grateful. In spirit, I know Aunt Sharon will be there for her family, and still, she will always be looking out for others.
sherry mysak
February 2, 2018