Frederick Gorsh

Born in Iowa City, IA
Born on Aug 15, 1938
Departed on Aug 19, 2015

Kim, Deb and Kellee there are never the right words for a time like this. I'm very sorry to hear about uncle Fred. I was just taking to a person about having to hire someone to lay carpet. I've always had Uncle Fred there to do mine. He was a big gentle giant with a big heart. Always had a smile on his face and hug every time I seen him. His big heart and smile will be truly missed. God speed Uncle Fred. Love, Linda

Debbie & Family, We are truly sorry to hear of your Fathers passing. You are all in our thoughts and prayers.

Debbie, Kim and Kellee: So sorry to hear of the passing of your father. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Mark H. Rettig

Awwww Kim and Deb... what a shocker this is too... Wayne has known Freddie since he was 16 when they worked together.. He loved him dearly as do I... Im very very so rry and my heart is heavy with sorrow.. Well him and Wayne are having a cheer together... My deepest sympthy to all of yous and im deeply grieved that i cannot make the services... Love to you all Janie Miller

Fred and I worked together for nearly 40 years. He was a good friend and just a good guy. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family. Rest in peace. Henry (Hank) Serbousek

Debbie & family, We just heard of Feddie's passing and offer our most sincere condolences to all of you. We were lucky to know him and spend some happy moments with him - he wil be missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

We are so sorry to hear that Fred has passed. We offer our deepest condolences. He is in good "Gorsh Company" in heaven. Kirk and Patty Johnson Phx. Az. ( Jan's brother)