James Snetzler

Born in Cedar Rapids, IA
Born on Mar 14, 1940
Departed on Jun 30, 2014

I was a student at Jefferson when Jim worked there. What a kind man, we shared many sodas and chocolate malts, he always had time for a visit. My thoughts go out to your family. Jeff Stegman

Jim was the head engineer at Jefferson when I was principal there from 1970-1990. He had high standards and took pride in making sure things were well maintained. I always had the highest respect for him and for the things he would do for staff and students. He was outstanding. When he assumed responsibility for all the engineers in the school district, everything improved. He was a man who lived well, loved his family and his job, and always had a sparkle in his eye. I celebrate his life. He was my friend who improved others with his presence.

My prayers goes out to Jim's family.

Jim was the head engineer at Jefferson when I was principal there from 1970-1990. He had high standards and took pride in making sure things were well maintained. I always had the highest respect for him and for the things he would do for staff and students. He was outstanding. When he assumed responsibility for all the engineers in the school district, everything improved. He was a man who lived well, loved his family and his job, and always had a sparkle in his eye. I celebrate his life. He was my friend who improved others with his presence.

I was a custodian and engineer at Jefferson from 1981-1995.Jim ran a tight ship and a very clean and organized building. .When he worked at buildings and grounds he cared for people and what was right .He also had a sense of humor. I respected him. Larry Cope

I was shocked to hear of Jim's passing. As Joel and I were growing up Jim was always pleasant. From time to time Nancy & Jim would go on a walk and pass my parents house and they would always have time to visit. My condolences for your loss. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

We are sorry about the loss of our next door neighbor, Jim. We will miss him. Our thoughts and prayers are with Nancy and all the family.

Our thoughts are with you and your family in this time of loss and sorrow. I know how hard it is to loose a father. If you think of him often, remembering the things he taught you and honor is memory he will never truly be gone.

I worked on the Stadium Crew during summers while in college and got to know Jim during this time. He always was a kind fair man who was always friendly. Sorry to hear of your loss.